
Welcome to the Wiki page of the IEEE Systems, Man and Cybernetics Society Chapter of the IEEE, United Kingdom and Republic of Ireland Section.

The chapter came into existence on 26th June 2002, and held its inaugural meeting on 25th July 2002 at City University. Since then we have organised a series of successful annual workshops and now conferences at various Universities: Reading, Ulster, City University, Sheffield Hallam, University College Dublin, Middlesex and Birmingham - we returned to Reading in 2010, and then went to the University of East London in 2011 and Limerick in 2012. In 2013 we arranged a special session at the IEEE SMC conference in 2013 in Manchester IEEE SMC 2013.

We have now come to the conclusion that we do not have the resources to run our own conferences, but will continue to organise special sessions, joint workshops and lectures.

Events We Organise

Please see our Past Events to see what we have done in previous years.

For events this year, please see Planned Events including a Distinguished Lecture from Mo Jamshidi on Monday Apr 4, 2016.

Would you like to join us

If you would like to be involved in our chapter, please contact us; relevant information can be found on the Chairman's Welcome page which also has details of our committee.

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