Sheffield Hallam 5th Chapter Conference on
Advances in Cybernetic Systems 2006
September 7-8, 2006
City Campus
Sheffield Hallam University
Sheffield, United Kingdom
Aims and objectives
This international conference aimed to establish conceptual relationship between various sub-fields of Cybernetics to provide an interdisciplinary forum for the experimental, theoretical and application-oriented aspects of cybernetics. IEEE AICS2006 hoped to unite practicians and theorists from all areas of cybernetics including engineering, biology and chemistry, with the hope of fostering new research and development work within the cybernetics community.

Theme and scope
The theme of the conference was Advances in Cybernetic Systems. The program committee solicited high quality papers containing original contributions in all areas of experimental, theoretical and application-oriented aspects of cybernetics and industry applications, including, but not limited to: Robotic and micro-robotic systems; Feedback Systems; Biological Cybernetics; Chemical Cybernetics; System Modelling and Control; Adaptive Control Systems; Intelligent Systems (e.g. for communications, control, instrumentation, etc.); Image Processing; Pattern Recognition; Safety Reliability and Quality Assurance; Decision Support Systems; Manufacturing Systems; Data Mining; Large Scale Systems; Human Machine Systems; Human Computer Interfaces; Soft Computing; Fuzzy Logic Systems; Neural Systems; Software Systems; Computational Intelligence; Knowledge Based Systems; Agent-based Systems; Swarm Engineering; Emerging and Evolutionary Methods

Invited talk
Prof Huosheng Hu
Department of Computer Science
University of Essex, United Kingdom
Profile: Prof. Huosheng Hu leads the Human Centred Robotics Group at the University of Essex. He is co-author of 200+ scientific articles. He is a Chartered Engineer, a senior member of the IEEE, a member of IET (the Institution of Engineering and Technology), ACM (Association for Computing Machinery), AAAI (The American Association for Artificial Intelligence), IAS (Intelligent Autonomous Systems Society), and IASTED (The International Association of Science & Technology for Development). He is a founding member of IEEE Society of Robotics and Automation Technical Committee on: Networked Robots.
Title of talk: Biologically inspired behaviour design of robotic fish.
Papers and Posters
List of those on Day 1
List of those on Day 2
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