AICS2006 Papers on Day 1
Sheffield Hallam 5th Chapter Conference on
Advances in Cybernetic Systems 2006
September 7-8, 2006
City Campus
Sheffield Hallam University
Sheffield, United Kingdom
10:30-11:00 Welcome note and introduction to IEEE SMC UK&RI
B.P. Amavasai (Organising Chair, Sheffield Hallam University, UK)
A.G. Hessami (IEEE SMC UK&RI Chairperson, Atkins Global, UK)
R. Eccleston (Director of MERI, Sheffield Hallam University, UK)
11:00-12:00 Session A1 - Biological models
Session Chair C. Huyck (Middlesex University, UK)
Paper Title Authors Page
24 Vision in an Agent based on Fatiguing Leaky Integrate and Fire Neurons C. Huyck, D. Diaper, R. Belavkin and I. Kenny 131
38 Robot Swarm Traffic J. Penders and L. Alboul 211
54 Binding in Biologically Plausible Cognitive Models P.H. de Vries 306
53 Optimal Path Planning Applied to Ant Foraging A. Veeraswamy, B.P. Amavasai and S. Meikle 300
12:00-13:00 Session A2 - Robotics (general)
Session Chair - M. Howarth (Sheffield Hallam University, UK)
Paper Title Authors Page
13 Application of Reinforcement Learning Methods onto Peg-in-hole Insertion Task P. Chmielarczyk and M. Howarth 67
16 Two Simulation Tools for Biologically Inspired Virtual Robotics D. Gamez, R. Newcombe, O. Holland and R. Knight 85
25 Topological Multi-Robot Exploration K. Konar, L. Přeučil and P. tĕpn 137
36 Evolutionary L-Systems for Large Scale Multi-Robot Formation W.F.W. Othman, B.P. Amavasai, S.P. McKibbin, F. Caparrelli and J.R. Travis … 199
14:00-15:30 Session A3 Learning and training
Session Chair: P. Rockett (University of Sheffield, UK)
Paper Title Authors Page
6 New Efficient Approach to Determine the Optimal Number of Clusters in Overlapping Cases O. Ammor, A. Lachkar, K. Slaoui and N. Rais 26
20 An Evolutionary Group Method of Data Handling for Time Series Forecasting M. Hiassat and M.O. Tokhi . 108
56 Genetic Mining: Using GA for Concept Weighting in Text Mining R. Zaefarian, J. Siddiqi, B. Akhgar and G. Zaefarian . 318
57 Comparison of Evolutionary Strategies for Multi-objective Genetic Programming Y. Zhang and Peter I. Rockett . 323
43 The Evolutionary Training of Linear Classifiers P.I. Rockett 241
3 Electronic Olfactory Prototype of an Automated Plant Malaise Detection System for the Agricultural Industry A.H. Adom, A.Y. Md Shakaff, M.N. Ahmad, A.H. Abdullah, M.Z. Daud and M.A. Markom . 9
15:30-16:00 Poster Session A4
Session Chair -C. Reyes (CentroGeo, Mexico)
Paper Title Authors Page
21 A Chaotic Neural Network with Modulated Sine Map E. Hiura and T. Tanaka . 114
33 Path Planning For Multiple Robots Using Dynamic Programming M.B. Motamedinejad , R. Barzamini , H. Rastegar , M.R. Rajati 182
58 Using Control Engineering to Improve Supply Chains A.S. White and M. Censlive . 329
30 Particle Swarm Optimization of the Firing Angles in the Switched Reluctance Motor S. Mahdavi, N. Bahari and C. Lucas . 165
42 Cybercartographic Artifacts as Cybernetic Systems for the Study of Communication C. Reyes and E. Martinez 235
29 Architecture of Indian-logic based Procedural Argumentation System for Knowledge Sharing G.S. Mahalakshmi and T.V. Geetha 160
45 Optimisation of IEEE 802.11 MAC Protocol Parameters Using a Hybrid Genetic-Fuzzy Approach M.S. Saraireh, R. Saatchi, S. Al-Khayatt, R. Strachan, and Z. Abo-Hammour 253
15 Tile Implementation Strategy for Self-Repairing Systems P. Dempster, J. Harkin and T.M. McGinnity 79
16:00-16:30 Poster Session A5
Session Chair - R. Latypov (Kazan State University, Russia)
Paper Title Authors Page
26 Pedigree Breeding and Administration on Rabbit Farms Using RFID Technology A.A. Kramin, O.S. Vasis and R.K. Latypov . 142
8 Face Recognition Using Weighted Mean fused Q_Tables N. Bahari and S. Mahdavi . 38
27 Syntax, Semantics and Type Theory of A Security Protocol Verification Framework X. Ma and X. Cheng 148
40 Genetic Algorithm-trained RBF Neural Network for Load Identification M. Rabbani, S. Noroozi, J. Vinney and S.S. Kia . 223
22 Ambient Intelligence Multimedia Management Framework M.A. Hossain, M.S. Hossain and A.E. Saddik . 119
46 Performance Analysis of Classifiers on Face Recognition M.S. Sarfraz, M. Jager and O.Hellwich . 259
47 Fusion Strategies in Fingerprint Verification M. Sehatkar and B. Moshiri 265
31 Complexity in Evolving Neural Robot Controllers S.P. McKibbin, F. Caparrelli, W.F.W. Othman, B.P. Amavasai, and J.R. Travis 170
AICS2006 Main
AICS2006 Papers on Day 2
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