Middlesex University IEEE SMC UK&RI 7th Conference on
Cybernetic Intelligent Systems 2008
September 9-10, 2008
Middlesex University, London, UK
Aims and objectives
This was the 7th in a series of successful international conferences organised by the United Kingdom and Republic of Ireland Chapter of the IEEE Systems, Man and Cybernetics Society. These conferences provide an interdisciplinary forum for research and application of various aspects of cybernetics and systems. The theme of the 2008 conference was Cybernetic Intelligent Systems.

Theme and scope
The programme committee solicited high quality papers containing original contributions in all areas of experimental, theoretical and application-oriented aspects of cybernetic intelligent systems. This include papers describing relevant techniques for intelligent systems including, but not limited to, neural networks, evolutionary methods, fuzzy systems, knowledge and agent based approaches; systems using cybernetic intelligent approaches, such as robotics, control, modelling, instrumentation, communications, machine vision, audio logical systems, safety systems; and industrial applications of cybernetic intelligent systems .

Papers and Posters
List of those on Day 1
List of those on Day 2
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